Is this section for you?
There's a lot of material all over the Web-and
even elsewhere on the UniTargetSoft site-that talks about the technical aspects of AJAX and the challenges and benefits it
brings to Web application developers.
But if you're a line-of-business manager, a C-level executive, or even a
senior IT manager just trying to figure out what all the fuss is about, you've come to the right place. We'll try to keep
this a relatively 'jargon-free zone', and we're not going to talk much about products or technology. Instead, we'll focus
on what likely matters much more to you from a '50,000 foot level': What's AJAX, why should you care, and what kinds of real
business benefits can it provide for you and your organization? Read on and we'll tell you more!
The changing face of Web applications
The World Wide Web was originally
envisioned as a way to easily communicate unstructured information and to provide users with a simple way to navigate between
pages of that information using a Web browser. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) was designed to easily create and format those
pages, and it's handled that mission pretty well since the Web began to take off in the mid 1990's. We've all grown accustomed
to HTML's "page-at-a-time" design: Click on a link, your browser screen clears, and an entirely new page is sent to replace
it. Those of you who grew up with slow speed dialup links probably remember (not fondly!) how your browser screen turned white,
followed by a long delay while the next page was downloaded and displayed. Maybe not real elegant, but hey, it was simple
and it got the job done for the 'informational' websites of the day.
The Web wasn't ever as functional or useful as client software, and AJAX
just knocks that ball out of the park." Seth Sternberg, co-founder of (
Now fast-forward about ten
years: Internet usage is pervasive, broadband links have become common, and we're using the Web not only to deliver information
but as the de facto way of handling business transactions. We still refer to "Websites", but "Web applications" have joined
that older term. Whether our applications are internal or customer-facing, we all love the idea of delivering them anywhere
in the world without distributing or installing client-side software. But we hate giving up the usability, speed, power, and
flexibility users have come to expect with traditional "fat client" applications. And that's where the huge limitations of
traditional HTML are painfully apparent to businesses as well as to your customers. Users quickly become frustrated, to the
point that they simply give up and walk away. Online shopping cart abandonment rates over 80% are common, as are unfinished
financial applications and uncompleted transactions. At the risk of more jargon, users miss the usability that's easy to achieve
with 'event-driven' programs-a paradigm that just can't duplicated with HTML.
"Until Google put this technology out there, no one was really thinking
of Web pages as applications" - Francis Shanahan, Sapient Corp. (SAPE) Software Architect
Rich Internet Applications (known
as RIAs) are changing all that. Put simply, RIAs give us the best of both worlds: they deliver the usability of traditional
applications, but over a standard Web browser on the internet. For lots of good reasons, what's now called 'AJAX' (Asynchronous
Java and XML) is by far the most popular approach for creating RIAs. There are also proprietary tools like Adobe's Flash that
use different technologies to accomplish similar results.
So what's AJAX all about?
There's no question that AJAX is one of the
most talked-about new technologies in the entire application development market space. So let's try to explain in clear business
terms what AJAX and RIA are all about.
First, you need to understand that AJAX is not a product. It's not even
a single technology or a standard. Instead, it's a broad set of existing open technology standards and methods (more technical
jargon like HTML, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, DOM, XMLHttpRequest, and XML). Collectively, these allow delivery of truly dynamic
content on a Web page without constantly resending entire pages. Once a page has been displayed, only the bits of data that
have actually changed are transmitted and refreshed. And even better, AJAX relies on the power of the user's computer and
Web browser to perform many of the tasks that traditionally had to be done on the server. With AJAX, when the user clicks
on a column heading to resort data, or wants to use click-and-drag to rearrange the columns, it all happens instantly right
there on the client side-no data at all is sent or received from the server. While AJAX is too often used to simply add flashy
"how-did-they-do-that" front ends onto existing websites and applications, the real power of AJAX lies in its ability to enable
a whole new breed of rich Web applications that we couldn't even consider tackling with current HTML.
By now you're probably saying, "Great! Let's use some of this cool AJAX
stuff to improve our e-business and customer-facing applications-and while we're at it, we can deliver all our internal applications
via Web browsers too."
Unfortunately, it's not that easy (is it ever?). All of the underlying technologies
to do AJAX have been around for awhile now, but the key word two paragraphs earlier was "collectively". Cobbling all these
disparate technologies together to deliver a working AJAX-based RIA is not for the faint of heart-we're talking about a challenge
that even leading analyst firm Gartner referred to as "rocket science". That's why the first commercial AJAX applications
came from companies with huge advanced R&D groups like Flickr or Google (Maps and Gmail).
UniTargetSoft released the first versions of our Project Register Suite
several years ago and through mid 2005 there was very little market awareness of AJAX. But once end users experienced the
usability of apps like Google Maps, old-fashioned HTML seemed positively archaic by comparison and the market for AJAX development
solutions took off like lightning. As of mid-2006, there are about 70 different products-some commercial; but mostly unsupported
open-source tools-that claim to ease the challenges of creating AJAX front-ends. More on that a bit later.
Why is this important to me?
Put simply, AJAX-based RIAs offer improve
dramatic improvements in usability, productivity, and functionality for both current and new Web-based applications. You can
now deliver Web apps that look and feel like standard desktop applications with rich interactive content. This translates
directly into benefits like increased online revenue through reduced website abandonment and higher sales conversion rates,
lower IT infrastructure costs and better performance, higher rates of user satisfaction and loyalty, reduced customer support
costs, and competitive differentiation.
"Ajax enables better user experiences on the Web, which can help businesses
gain a competitive advantage." Microsoft Product Manager Brian Goldfarb, InformationWeek
AJAX empowers new ways for Web
applications to interact with the user that were previously only available with desktop applications. The resulting user experience
is richer because the application feels more like a desktop application with regards to responsiveness, interactivity, intuitiveness,
and overall usability. This improved usability leads to stronger business results because the experience is much more like
what users are accustomed to, and they now have the flexibility to quickly accomplish business transactions on the Web. Because
no software is installed on the client machines, enterprises enjoy dramatically lower costs for application deployment and
maintenance, as well as lower support-center costs by completely eliminating all the calls related to application installation
and configuration. Imagine taking an installable software application and converting it to a purely Web-based service accessible
by anyone, anywhere in the world, using only a basic Internet connection and a standard Web browser. This is the promise of
RIAs, and AJAX (often in combination with service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and other new server-side technologies) is
a key component to making RIAs a reality.
The business benefits of AJAX
As is true with many newer technologies,
you'll find that much of the material discussing the 'benefits of AJAX' in fact focuses on IT-related benefits such as increased
developer productivity, integration with existing systems, and support for technical standards.
These are surely important corporate benefits, but they're not particularly
relevant to you as a line-of-business manager. They certainly won't compel you to invest the time and effort to spearhead
an AJAX-based RIA project, especially with mission-critical applications where introducing any new technology carries risks
that must be more than offset by potential business benefits.
So while they may be harder to quantify, here are just a few of the very
real business benefits that lead to a rapid return on investment (ROI) from AJAX RIAs.
Improve employee productivity and accuracy: Better user interfaces enable
a more natural workflow that results in fewer human errors-errors that can carry huge financial costs in terms of lost revenue
and customer dissatisfaction, among others. And while the time savings generated by the improved productivity of AJAX may
seem insignificant at first, if you have hundreds of people using your Web application multiple times a day, the ROI impact
can be substantial. (For an interesting study that quantifies the time savings of an AJAX-based transactional system, see
"Measuring the Benefits of Ajax" by Alexei White at
Increase the value of business information: Developers can use AJAX to
deliver new kinds of data visualizations and interactivity that would have traditionally been possible only on the desktop.
By providing these capabilities to a much broader audience of Web-based users with no client-side software, AJAX leverages
your investments in information assets.
Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO): AJAX generally offers much lower costs when
compared to those of a traditional application, including the impact of yearly licensing of proprietary desktop software,
as well as distribution, installation, and support costs.
Reach New Audiences: Forward-thinking government agencies have
worked with UniTargetSoft to reduce costs by extending intuitive self-service applications to audiences who found earlier
Web applications too difficult, inflexible, and slow to use on a regular basis.
Increase Sales:Frustrated by lower than
expected online sales, large pharmaceuticals companies have used UniTargetSoft to drive revenues by replacing their old Web-based
B2B e-commerce system with an easier to use, highly interactive AJAX-based purchasing application. Providers of business-to-consumer
products and financial services have achieved similar benefits through measurable reductions in website abandonment and higher
sales conversion rates. And advertising-supported business information sites generate more revenue from 'stickier' websites
that use AJAX interactivity to keep visitors on the site much longer than would be possible with static HTML pages.
support center costs:The elimination of client-side software installation, in combination with a more intuitive, capable,
responsive, and flexible user interface, can dramatically reduce both the number and complexity of customer support calls-freeing
your agents to focus on more productive tasks.
Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty:With the total number of online
shoppers leveling out, the research firm Jupiter Group reports that retaining current customers has now become a higher priority
for firms engaged in online commerce than gaining new customers. Delivering a very positive online user experience can be
a major contributor to both satisfaction and ongoing loyalty for future purchases.
Reduce costs of IT infrastructure:
While the cost of bandwidth does not increase linearly, it does increase in sizable steps as the company is forced to invest
in larger-capacity Internet connections and new hardware to accommodate greater server loads. The cost structure for bandwidth
depends on the scale of the operation and these capital investment needs. Since AJAX-based applications consume a lot less
bandwidth, these upgrade costs can be dramatically curtailed.
AJAX implementation challenges
Earlier, we mentioned
that there are many tools now coming to market that claim to ease the creation of AJAX applications. But an AJAX tool by itself
doesn't represent anything close to a complete solution to business needs and leaves a lot of open questions. For example:
Is the tool supported commercially? Do you have confidence that it will
continue to be enhanced with new functionality, and that it will be solid enough for mission-critical use?
If you're considering
using one of the many open-source toolkits, will timely support and maintenance services always be available when you need
Does the product truly support open standards to give you the maximum future flexibility, or does it tie you into
other proprietary products (development environment, languages, deployment platforms, architectures, etc.)
Will resulting
applications run on any major browser (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.), or will users be forced to choose between only one
or two of these?
AJAX can give you a front-end user interface, but what about the rest of the application (server architecture,
data bindings, etc.)
Do you have the right staff training and experience to tackle the job internally?
What architecture
should you use for your applications?
What applications can generate the largest benefits from the addition of AJAX, and
what's the best way to implement them?
How can you reduce risks while ensuring that you maximize the potential benefits?
To answer these and truly capture all that is possible with AJAX technology while minimizing risk, you'll want expert
advice and guidance you can count on-from people who have been successfully working with AJAX for years and are taking a visionary
role in defining next-generation Web application development. UniTargetSoft is that trusted partner.
" - developing an application to a Google-level benchmark involves a "rocket
science" level of difficulty" --Ray Valdez,Gartner
Unlike the majority of AJAX vendors that merely deliver development
tools, we leverage our experience to create complete AJAX solutions to your specific business challenges and opportunities.
Our proven Ready, Set, Go to AJAX methodology starts with a low-cost, no-risk, fixed-price assessment engagement and proof-of-concept
that will help you answer all of the questions above-regardless of what product you ultimately use, whether you do the work
yourself, or have us do it for you.
Contact us to learn more about our unique AJAX Ready program and how it
can help to ensure your AJAX success!